Users can trade coins in the Arbitrum network in a non-custodial manner without going through any centralized intermediary and paying excessive fees. With ArbiSwap.

Token swaps on ArbiSwap are a simple way to trade one ERC-20 token for another via automated liquidity pools.

To make a swap transaction successful, the user has to pick an input and output token (i.e. ETH vs ARBI), specify the exact amount of either:

  • The {input.token} he wants to trade, the protocol calculates how much of the {output.token} he will receive, but Arbi Swap Router will also at the same time look for the best route to pass by:require(SharkyLibrary.getAmountsOut(factory, amountIn, path)[lastIndex] > UniswapLibrary.getAmountsOut(factory, amountIn, path)[lastIndex]);

If he finds a cheaper way, he will make the swap pass by another router and will pay for the user the asked fees.

The {output.token} he want to receive, the smart-contract calculates how much of the {input.token} he need to trade, and use the exact same call than above to find the best route to pass by.

When you make a token swap (trade) on the exchange you will pay a 0.25% trading fee, which is broken down as follows:

0.25% - Returned to $ARBI stakers in the form of a revenue generated by exchange.

Last updated